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Understanding Kids’ Haircut Pricing: A Professional Guide for Barbers and Stylists


Understanding Kids’ Haircut Pricing: A Professional Guide for Barbers and Stylists

Robb Hanlon

One question that often comes up in the barber and salon industry is, “Should kids’ haircuts be priced lower, and if so, by how much?”

When determining kids’ haircut pricing, one essential tip we practice is: keep the initial haircut experience short and simple. Due to young children’s short attention spans, first-time haircuts should ideally take no longer than 12-15 minutes. We recommend that baby and toddler haircuts be quick and straightforward to make the experience positive and stress-free.

Recommended Styles for Baby Haircuts

Here are some haircut recommendations based on hair type and desired style:

For Straight Hair:

Longer Styles: Use scissors for a basic trim, or clipper length of 3/4” to 1” on the sides with a 1/4” taper, and scissors on top.

Shorter Styles: We suggest no less than a 1/4” clipper length on the sides with either clipper or short scissor work on top.

For Curly or Coily Hair:

Short Length: A Caesar cut (one length all around) with a light edge-up.

Longer Length: One length all around with a slight taper at the edges.

Once young children become comfortable with haircuts, they can transition to more complex styles, such as skin fades or faux hawks.

Pricing Recommendations for Kids’ Cuts

Since kids’ haircuts can often be done faster (12-15 minutes versus 20-30 minutes for adults), consider pricing them 10-15% lower than your standard adult rate. For example:

• If your adult haircut price is $30, kids’ cuts would be $27.

• If adult haircuts are $40, kids’ cuts might be $35.

For more advanced “big kid” styles, like skin fades, which require the same time and skill level as an adult cut, charging the full adult rate is fair and reflects the value of your expertise.

By thoughtfully setting prices for kids’ haircuts, you can create a positive experience for young clients while ensuring your services are valued.