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1st Haircut Certificates

A great way to commemorate a child's fun 1st haircut experience. The 8.5"x 11" certificates on 14 pt card stock have perforations to easily attach a 4x6 photo and include a self adhesive bag for the 1st lock of hair. Fill out the Child's name, Date, and the barbershop or salon to create a great keepsake of the child's 1st haircut experience.


A great way to commemorate a child's fun first haircut experience. The 8.5"x 11" certificates on 14 pt card stock have perforations to easily attach a 4x6 photo and include a self adhesive bag for the 1st lock of hair. Fill out the Child's name, Date, and barbershop or salon to create a great keepsake of the child's 1st haircut experience.

10 pack- $9.99 FREE SHIPPING!

10x 1st haircut certificates- 14 pt card stock, perforations to attach 4x6 photo

10x Self adhesive 1st lock of hair bags